The Police
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Understanding Anti-Social Behaviour

How to recognise and respond to Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)


Living in Basingstoke you may have been affected by ASB. In fact 37% of people in the UK have experienced it. ASB is any “behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more people from a different household than the perpetrator.” This covers a number of problems including;

  • dog fouling
  • excessive noise
  • drug use
  • loud vehicles noise
  • The category is broad but the important questions to ask yourself are if the behaviour is causing you;

  • harassment
  • alarm
  • distress
  • nuisance
  • annoyance
  • If this is the case, please consider reporting it to the police via 101 or the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary Website Report a crime | Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary

    In an emergency ALWAYS call 999.