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BEAT SURGERY - 16/05/24

MEET THE TEAM(S) – all three Neighbourhood Teams from Gosport are running Beat Surgeries tomorrow, Thursday the 16th of May, on their respective Beats.


EAST: will be on Gosport High Street from 13:00hrs for an hour or so with free cycle coding kit


CENTRAL: will be a Brockhurst Gate shops from 17:00hrs 


WEST: will be at The Co-Op on Lee High Street from 14:00hrs onwards


All the timings are subject to change and we will endeavour to let you know if there is one that we just can’t get to. There will be a small prize for anyone that can offer photographic proof that they have been to all three sites and spoken to an officer. Please be warned that we may talk to you about Hampshire Alert, cycle coding, Immobilise and scam prevention. We hope to see you there.πŸ‘

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Message Sent By
Jason Steel
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC - Local Bobby, Gosport Central)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials