The Police
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Burglary in your area.



Unfortunately there has been a couple of incidents overnight whereby it has been reported that unknown persons have entered garages and an out building and were looking to take items from the buildings. 

These incidents have happened between 0030 - 0300 on 14th May 2024. 

Incidents were on Lynford Way and St Stephens Road. 


May I ask you to check your sheds to see if anything has happened, and if so report it to the Police on 101. Alternatively if you have access to CCTV, please can you check to see if anyone is identified on it, including any vehicle descriptions, and respond to me here. 


Please can you remember to share this message to anyone within your community to make them aware. 


Thanks in advance


PC 27719 Tom Harries

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Message Sent By
Tom Harries
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, Winchester North)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials