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Recent successes in tackling shoplifting in the Waterlooville area.

We want to update you as to some of our recent successes in tackling shoplifting in the Waterlooville area. 

Last week Kaya Evans, 30, from Robin Gardens, Waterlooville appeared at Portsmouth Magistrates Court and was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment for six shoplifting offences where a total of almost £500 of produce was stolen. This related to the following offences:

• Theft of £85 worth of meat from Tesco Express on London Road, Waterlooville on Friday 19 April.
• Theft of £200 worth of meat from Marks and Spencer in Wellington Retail Park, Waterlooville on Friday 19 April.
• Theft of £30.45 worth of laundry products from Tesco Express on London Road, Waterlooville on Thursday 25 April.
• Theft of £50 worth of meat, sandwiches and a can of Redbull from Tesco Express on London Road, Waterlooville on Sunday 28 April.
• Theft of £80 worth of meat from Tesco Express on London Road, Waterlooville on Tuesday 30 April.
• Theft of £46 worth of meat and cheese from Tesco Express on London Road, Waterlooville on Friday 3 May.

We have also arrested and charged Layton Richards, 29, from Brighton for 24 shoplifting offences, which are alleged to have taken place between Saturday 6 January and Thursday 18 April. 21 of these offences took place in Hampshire (seven in Waterlooville), two in Bournemouth and one in West Sussex. 


Richards appeared at Southampton Magistrates Court on Monday 6 May and has been charged with stealing a total of £3463.96 worth of produce and products from 19 different stores, including the alleged theft of a total of 798 Cadbury’s Crème Eggs. He has been conditionally bailed and is due to appear at Portsmouth Magistrates Court on Tuesday 21 May.


Sgt Ellie Waller from the Waterlooville North neighbourhood policing team said “Shoplifting is not a victimless crime and has an impact not only the targeted business, but also the employees who often have to deal with the abuse and violence that can accompany the crime.


“No one should have to face this kind of behaviour at work and we take reports of this crime extremely seriously. Shoplifting will not be tolerated in Waterlooville, we will continue to police this robustly, and do all we can to put offenders before the courts.


“Please continue to report incidents of shoplifting to us to help us build a stronger picture of prolific offenders and hot-spot areas for crime.”

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Message Sent By
Amy Watson
(Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, Communications Officer, Hampshire & Isle of Wight)

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