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Community Update from your 'Designated Neighbourhoods Officers'

Dear residents, the team have been working on various projects, in the community, whilst building good community links with key individual networks.


These are some of the issues on our radar and what we have done or are doing to resolve problems.


  • ASB and drugs misuse in Tipton House and Edgebaston House. (These areas are regularly patrolled)
  • Cottage Grove Anti Social Behaviour (This area is regularly patrolled. The landlord, of a few problem addresses, has been spoken to in order for them to know what is being reported.
  • Radnor Street drugs misuse and ASB. (The police are working with several agencies to resolve issues)
  • Gunwharf Quays shoplifting. (The local Neighbourhoods Team are regularly attending the area to prevent theft and violent crime. The team have also recently taken part in another shoplifting prevention day)
  • Eldon Court ASB/Drugs misuse (The local Neighbourhood Team, lead by the DNO's, are patrolling the area regularly.  The team are also working with various agencies to resolve and prevent issues. 

    The Summer months will see the Community Teams including ‘DNO’s working hard to prevent anti social behaviour along the sea front. Op Nautical is the project name given to this summer related issue. 


    If you are aware of community issues that the team should be looking in to then please let me know.


    I will be out and about today in the various hot spot areas. My intention is to get more people signed up to Hampshire alerts whilst keeping an eye on local issues.


    If you know a friend or Neighbour that may benefit from Hampshire Alerts please let them know about it. I am also happy to discuss this with them if that helps.


    Regards from the team :)


    DNO Dan Carter


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    Message Sent By
    Dan Carter
    (Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary, PC, St Thomas)

    Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials