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Dispersal Order - Clanfield

Good afternoon and Happy Easter.

I hope you are all enjoying the bank holiday weekend. Sadly I must advise the community that owing to several incidents of anti-social behaviour last night in the Clanfield area, a dispersal order has been authorised and will remain active until 23:29hrs Monday 1st April 2024.

A dispersal order is authorised by a Police Inspector under Section 34 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It will enable officers and PCSO's to direct a person who has committed, or is likely to commit, anti-social behaviour to leave a specified area and not return for a specified period of up to 48 hours. If they refuse or return within the time period they will commit an offence and be liable to arrest.

The attached map shows the area covered by the dispersal order. I would like to urge all parents to consider if they are aware of where there children are and what they are up to on this bank holiday weekend. I will be directing my team to robustly enforce this dispersal order and am asking for the support of parents and guardians to ensure a safe and enjoyable Easter break for everyone.


PS 26039 Rees



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Message Sent By
Pete Rees
(Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, Sergeant, Butser Neighbourhood Policing Team)

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