The Police
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House Burglary

Dear Residents


There has been a report of a Burglary in the area of Mount Pleasant Road, Aldershot


Suspects have entered the rear of the property through the back door, they entered and conducted a search before being disturbed and then left the scene.


This happened on the 30th March 2024 between 21.25 -  21.30 hours.


A witness has described the suspect as male, around 5 foot 6 inches tall, wearing a black jumper/gillet, dark bottoms and a black baseball cap/hat. He was wearing gloves.


If you saw anything suspicious at that time or have any CCTV/RING footage please contact police via 101 quoting reference 44240135221.


Please can we remind all residents to stay vigilant at this time.


Please do consider the below Crime Prevention Advice


Please consider registering your property on IMMOBILSE by visiting www.immobilise.com


Consider keeping you Gold and Jewellery in a safety deposit box, you can contact your bank or insurance company for advice.


If you prefer to keep high value items at your home, consider investing in a good quality safe which complies with official insurance rating standards, secured to a brick wall or floor, fitted according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Approved and tested security products awarded the police preferred Specification status can be found at www.securedbydesign.com or www.soldsecure.com


For advice on improving home security, such as door, patio and window locks, contact an approved locksmith registered with the Master Locksmiths Association www.locksmiths.co.uk


Monitored intruder detector alarms with additional panic buttons, CCTV and security lighting can all offer added layers of protection to your home.


Security companies (accredited by the National Security Inspectorate or the Security Systems and Alarms Inspection Board) can advise on the most suitable products for your property.


Consider photographing each piece of valuable gold or jewellery against a plain background with a ruler next to it.


Keep a written description for each of them.


When leaving your home always lock doors and windows and remove the keys.


For UPVC doors you normally have to lift the handle to engage all the bolts, lock and double check the handle after.


Consider fitting an external light, which will help deter offenders.


Put a light or radio on a timer switch if you are out.


Could you tell the Police, the makes, models, serial nos of your tech, tools etc, if they were stolen? Have you photographed your possessions without serial nos? Register them all HERE


A lot of crimes committed in the community are opportunist crimes. Please do whatever you can to minimise the risk of you becoming a victim –  

Homes – Keep your doors locked and valuable property away from windows. Keep handbags away

 from the front door. Don’t leave keys near the front door, or in reach of the letterbox. Don’t leave windows open when you go out - even tiny windows can be used, to hook open another window. Install lighting which can be triggered by movement sensors. Consider CCTV. More advice HERE

Vehicles - Keep your car locked and remove all valuable property from your car, including any bags and coats. Pull your car handle to CHECK it’s locked. If it’s a keyless entry car – make sure your car keys are not left within range for someone to copy the signal. To be sure, buy a ‘faraday pouch’. Thieves will break into cars for bags and coats, due to the possibility they may contain valuables. Thieves will search unlocked vehicles for ANYTHING - including, chargers, loose coins, sunglasses and keys. More advice HERE

Garages / Sheds – Fit strong locks and hardware to doors. Keep them locked and the valuable property inside secured to a fixed point. Install lighting which can be triggered by movement sensors. More advice HERE

Mopeds and Motorbikes – Please put your bike out of sight, if this is not possible, secure it with a thick chain and padlock to something solid. More advice HERE

Bicycles – Register your frame no on a free cycle database such as BikeRegister and Immobilise. This helps police identify stolen property easier and return it to its rightful owner. Never leave a bike unlocked. Double lock it with 2 D locks – Lock the frame and both wheels to a secure cycle stand. Take removable parts with you. More advice HERE


Stay Safe


Aldershot Neighbourhood Policing Team



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Kathryn Blanchard

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials